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可见光光谱仪教学套件是五铃光学(Isuzu Optics Corp.)针对教育单位所设计开发的光谱量测套件,内含光谱量测软体及相关配件,可提供包括:光谱、发光源、吸收度、穿透率、反射率、浓度等多种光学量测。
Targeting undergraduate college‐level chemistry and physical lab settings, Isuzu Optics Corp., announced a compact VNIR (400~1000nm) spectrometer solution specifically for educational use. The VNIR spectrometer solution includes a compact spectrometer, balance light source, specific designed application software (SpectraSmart) and many accessories for demonstrating the fundamental principles of chemical and optical experiments that involve light sources (such as LED, solar,…) spectrum detection, a variety of spectral transmission, reflection and absorption measurements and color analysis.
1、光谱仪型号( Spectrometer Model):SE1040-25-VNIR
2、适用光谱波长范围 ( Wavelength Range) : 350nm ‐ 1020nm
3、Linear CCD Array :Sony ILX554B
4、狭缝宽度 (Slit Width ) :25μm
5、光学波长解析度(Optical Spectral Resolution ):1.2 nm (FWHM)
6、波长准确度(Wavelength Accuracy ):±0.3nm
7、波长重现性(Wavelength Repeatability): +/-0.05nm
8、热稳定(Thermal Stability):0.027nm/°C @650nm
9、积分时间(Integration Time):1m sec ~ 65 sec
10、动态范围(Dynamic Range):1000:1
11、类比/数位转换ADC : 16 bits, 15MHz
12、杂散光(Stray Light):< 0.15%
13、输入电源型式(Input Power Type):USB, +5.25VDC
14、光纤连接头(Optical Input Connector ):SMA 905
15、体积规格(Physical Dimension): 86 x 110 x 31.4 mm